

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's almost spring. So is it almost spring cleaning time?

Well the countdown has begun.  Spring is just around the corner.  If you are like me spring always means it's time to clean.  Blame that on my mother.  She would open the doors and windows.  The house would need a "good airing".   We would then start in the attic and clean from the top down.  Under beds, behind dressers, far corners of the closets and every nook and cranny she could find.  A pile would begin for the annual garage sale.  Windows and walls would then be washed.  New paint would go up on the walls.  Rose bushes, irises, and spearment would be planted.  Then the garden would go in next.    Winter clothes packed away and summer clothes brought out of storage.  Laundry would be hung out on the clothesline.

Now summer could offically start!

So now my spring cleaning has begun.  YUCK!!  Did I say that loud enough.
Over the next few days I will bore you with my spring cleaning.  Maybe if I promise to post it here I will actually get it done. 

First spot for cleaning will be front porch and entry.  It's the first place visitors will see.  How does your porch/entry look? 

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